Wednesday, March 10, 2010


That's me clapping for my excellent run this morning. Woke up tired, burpy (you get that?), with major galumphitis. And yet ...
30 mins, 3.98km, 373 calories, average HR 168 (88%), max HR 192 (101%).

On the off chance that someone amongst you doesn't follow the minutiae of my stats, that's the 0.02km further than I've ever run in 30 minutes (I found an old spreadsheet and checked). Not only was it a little further, I think it was a better run that when I ran 3.96. 

Tah Dah! A comparison.

28 Aug 09                                                        10 March 10
Minute                   Speed km/hr                       Minute                   Speed km/hr
1-10                       8                                           1-?7.5                     7.2                
10-11                     5.5                                         7.5-12                     7.5
11-21                     8                                            12-23                      8
21-22                     5.5                                         23-28                      8.5
22-26.5                  8                                            28-29                      9
26.50-30                9                                            29-30                      10
Max HR: 197 (at 9km/hr)                                     Max HR: 192 (at 10km/hr)
Distance: 3.96km                                                Distance: 3.98km

So my achievements, for those who may have missed it, are:
  • 30 minutes running without stopping (had two walk breaks in the August session);
  • Although I started slower, I increased speed throughout the whole session;
  • My max HR was 5 bmp lower even though I had no breaks;
  • In August I ran for a total of 3.5 minutes at a speed faster than 8km/hr. This morning it was twice that - 7 minutes; and
  • I think my average speed was faster but I just googled the formula and it involves peeing on a wart by the crossroads at midnight by the full moon so I'm not going to do it.
And yes I did celebrate with a vegan chocolate cupcake conveniently sold at Dymocks on Collins Street. 

Group baby fistpump!

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